Preparing for science exams can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies, you can boost your confidence and achieve academic success. Whether you’re studying physics, chemistry, or biology, these tips will help you make the most of your study time and perform your best in the exams.
MYTH – You do not need to study for Maths
I often hear learners saying that you cannot study for a maths test, or, on the flip side, that they enjoy maths because if you understand it you don’t have to study for it. This kind of mentality is the reason so many learners’ marks drop significantly when they enter the FET phase (Grade 10-12).
What Does it Mean to be ‘Good’ at Maths?
I want to start off by saying that mathematics is not a verb – it is not something we do in the same way that we run or jump or sleep or eat. It is a field of study, a body of knowledge. We do not do math – we learn about math and use our understanding to solve problems
Is Mastering Science Easy or Difficult at School Level?
When making the decision to take a science as a subject in high school, more specifically in the FET phase, it is more often than not a really tough decision to make and stick to once made.
The Triune Brain – Why stress stops us from thinking clearly and what we can do about it
Why stress stops us from thinking clearly and what we can do about it
Science Extra Classes – Should You or Shouldn’t You?
Have you ever asked yourself: “Will it be worth it to enrol my child for extra Science lessons?”. The short and easy answer is: Definitely!
How to Prepare for a Math Exam
I often hear my learners confidently pipe up that Math is an ‘understanding’ subject. According to them, it is a subject that you don’t need to study for, you only need to understand what is going on, and that if you understand, then you will be fine in the exam.
The State of Science Education in South Africa
Across South Africa, numerous factors contribute to mainly the poor state of science education. How do you feel about science education in SA schools? Below I touch on a few possible contributors to...
Math or Math Lit?
About half-way through Grade 9, learners have to start thinking about their subjects for Grades 10 to 12, with consideration for the impact of that choice on their potential future studies and careers. It is a big decision to make. For those learners who struggle with, or do not enjoy mathematics, the choice between Math or Math Lit can be a tough one – a head vs heart debate.
Multiple Representations in Science Education
All science teachers should have the pedagogical skills to explain any scientific concept using multiple representations. This is essential to improve their student's educational experiences...
The Link Between Time-Based Tests and Math Anxiety
I was a very blessed scholar in my day in ways I did not even know. I was known as an intelligent student who excelled in every class. Since I was a good test-taker with refined test-prep...
Why Do Most Learners Become Disinterested in Science when they Grow Older?
Something we, as science teachers, observe and experience so frequently in and outside of the classroom is described spot-on by Carl Sagan: “You go talk to kindergarteners or first grade kids...